About the doco

This is the story of a bunch of New Zealanders making a trip to RingCon,
Europe’s biggest fantasy convention held in Bonn, Germany, every
October. For the past eight years they have used their Kiwi ingenuity and
talent to change the nature of the convention, leaving a strong imprint
on the festival. Despite having truly minor roles in the Lord of the Rings
movies, they’re Inheritors of the Ring who have fed the middle earth
phenomenon and basked in the glory of being true stars to thousands of

What is RingCon like for them? Why are they so popular? Is their star
fading? And if so, who are the new inheritors?

This quirky documentary tells their story as we follow their dramatic arcs
before, during and after RingCon 2010. Along the way we meet a bunch of
entertaining and unusual characters, take a look at the nature of ‘fandom’,
consider the LOTR obsession, ponder on the nature and attraction of
fantasy, and watch as the rivalry between convention mainstay RingCon
and the upstart convention Twilight warms up.

‘A Convention is a meeting of like-minded fans, where they can celebrate their hobby
and fandom. All of this in combination with stars from TV and movies, party, fun and

(Official German RingCon website)

Published on August 29, 2010 at 10:54 pm  Comments (4)  

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4 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. What a brilliant idea! Cannot wait! See you at Ring*Con 😉

  2. What Claudia said!
    Great idea! See you at Ring*Con 😀

  3. It is great that the KIWI-companion come every year to the Ring*Con…it´s a long,long way from New Zealand…
    to meet the friends from New Zealands in Germany…(this was a joke at the last convention by Lory)
    Your Project is very interesting and I´m hopfully that you have fun how the Kiwis have ever!
    See you at Ring*Con 😉

    • Thank’s Shatala! Will look forward to seeing you there. It’s all going well on our side 😉

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